Website speed is important.
If it takes ages for your pages to load, visitors will disappear.
Amongst other things, website loading speed is a Google search engine ranking factor.
If your site loads in a couple of seconds, that’s great.
If it takes longer, that is not so good.
Here is a free website speed test
If you use WordPress, delete any plugins that you are not using or don’t really need.
This can be hard, as there are over 50,000 WordPress plugins available and they provide a wide range of functionality.
Compress image files as much as possible. You can use: tinypng
In fact, for the fastest loading times, don’t use any images.
If you have to have one that’s OK, however, several images may slow things down.
In addition:
* Use a CDN (Content Delivery Network)
* Minimise redirects
* Use browser caching
* Enable GZIP compression in WordPress
* Review your website hosting service
If you have a web developer, ask them to help you.